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District 12 & Qatar Section

ISA-95/B2MML Tutorial: Integration practice from use cases to xml messages
Jean Vieille
Standards Certification Education & Training Publishing Conferences & Exhibits

j.vieille@controlchaingroup.com www.syntropicfactory.com www.controlchaingroup.net

ISA Automation Conference ­ Doha (Qatar) - 9 & 10 December 2012

· This tutorial will first present successively:
­ A practical example of a fictitious industrial company to grasp basics of modeling patterns and interoperability realm of ISA-95 as well as B2MML messages content ­ A methodology for specifying information flows ­ The models from the recently updated ISA-95 part 2 and 4. ­ The standard information services defined in ISA-95 part 5 ­ The structure of the XML messages based on B2MML


· Objective :
­ A quick overview of interoperability related ISA-95 parts ­ be prepared to address integration between different manufacturing applications (ERP, control systems, MES, FCS, LIMS, CMMS...) in a consistent, efficient and documented manner.

· Participants
­ Industrial IT managers ­ Project managers for integration ­ Functional analysts involved in cross systems (i.e.ERP, MES, SCADA) business processes


· · · · · Example Methodology ISA95 part 2&4 models ISA-95 par 5 B2MML


· This section exemplifies ISA-95 usage for
­ describing manufacturing facilities and operations ­ Exchanging related information

· The different aspects of a fancy company and product serve as a basis for illustrating
­ ­ ­ ­ Product industrialization Involved facilities Production planning Production reporting

· It makes use of simplified ISA95 UML models and B2MML textual representation


· Example
­ ­ ­ ­ Product structure and Manufacturing strategy Resources & Capability Operations Schedule Operations Performance

· · · ·

Methodology ISA95 part 2&4 models ISA-95 par 5 B2MML


Products and Production organisation
· Understanding of product structure
­ Manufacturing stages ­ Their relationships

· Outline the manufacturing strategy
­ In-house manufacturing, mono/multi process cells- Sites ­ Synchronized contract manufacturing ­ Purchasing

· Introduce Production definition, product segment


· SuperToner ­ The world's first wireless Internet enabled laser printer cartridges · Products are available for a selection of printers HP, Epson, Brother and Canon · Manufactured in 3 plants located in USA · The process includes the following stages:
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Plastic molding Electronic board assembly for wireless connexion Printing ink manufacturing Assembly, filling and test Customizable packaging


Bill Of Material - Top Level Items
Printer Cartridge Ink Refill

Wireless Ethernet Sensor & Module

Customized Returnable Shipping Box

General product manufacturing structure

Cartridge top level product segments Plastic enclosure manufacturing Electronic board manufacturing Ink manufacturing Other parts
Manufactured Purchased



Manufactured items
Enclosure Product Segments Plastic making Body Molding Cover Molding Finishing Pre-assembling

Ink Product Segments Reaction Sieving Refining Conditionning

Electronic Board Product Segments Engraving drilling Mounting Testing


Assembly Product Segments Assembling Filling Print Test

Wireless test



Product segment structure
Cartridge S1 S2 S3 S4 Enclosure Ink Electronic board Assembly

S1 Enclosure S1.1 Plastic making S1.2 Body molding S1.3 Cover molding S1.4 Finishing ­ Preassembling

S2 Ink S2.1 Reaction S2.2 Sieving S2.3 Refining S2.4 Conditionning

S4 Assembly S4.1 S4.2 S4.3 S4.4 S4.5 Assembling Filling Print test Wireless test Packing

S3 Electronic board S3.1 S3.2 S3.3 S3.4 Engraving Drilling Mounting Testing


Product Families and variants
Families (one dimension) F1 Separable drum F2 Embedded drum Variants (multidimensional) V1 1 Canon Packing 2 HP Packing 3 Epson Packing V2 1 TN6600 OEM model 2 HX2200 OEM model


Simple manufacturing model

Super Toner
Plastic molding production line


Electronic board assembly Production line Ink manufacturing Process cell Assembly & Test Production Line



Cooperative manufacturing model

SuperToner Cartridge Manufacturer Suppliers Plastic molding & Assembly Plant Customers


Company B Electronic subcontractor Company C Ink subcontractor



Product segment allocation
S1: Make Enclosure S1.1 Plastic making S1.2 Body molding S1.3 Cover molding S1.4 Finishing ­ Pre-assembling

Company C
S2: Make Ink S2.1 Reaction S2.2 Sieving S2.3 Refining S2.4 Conditionning

S4: Make Assembly S4.1 Assembling S4.2 Filling S4.3 Print test S4.4 Wireless test S4.5 Packing

Company B
S3: Make Electronic board S3.1 Engraving S3.2 Drilling S3.3 Mounting S3.4 Testing

Operations definition model
Operations Definition
May be made up of Has 1..n associated

Segment dependency 0..n Parameter


Operations Segment

0..n Equipment Specification
Must correspond to element in

0..n Personnel Specification
Must correspond to element in

0..n Material Specification
Must correspond to element in

Equipment Model

Personnel Model

Material Model

B2MML: Product Information ­ 1st level product segments
<OperationsDefinitionInformation> <ID> F2 </ID> <Description> Embedded drum toner cartridges <HierarchyScope> <OperationsType>Production <PublishedDate> 2012-12-08 <OperationsDefinition> <ID> TN6600 <Version> V0 <Description> For Brother HL series <WorkDefinition> TN6600 <OperationsSegment> <ID> S1 <Description> Make Enclosure < OperationsSegment > <ID> S2 <Description> Make Ink


B2MML : 2nd level product segments
< OperationsSegment > <ID> S1.2 <Description> Body molding <Duration> 1 H <ProcessSegmentID> multi-mold workcell <ProcessSegmentID> Body+cover molding <SegmentDependency> Before S1.4 <Parameter> <ID> MoldReference <Value> M6600 <PersonnelSpecification> <PersonnelClassID> Molder <Description> <Quantity> 1 <EquipmentSpecification> <MaterialSpecification> <MaterialClass> Polyethylen <MaterialDefinitionID> P22 <Description> Rigid Polymer <MaterialUse> Consumed <Quantity> 234 G


· Example
­ ­ ­ ­ Product structure and Manufacturing strategy Resources & Capability Operations Schedule Operations Performance

· · · ·

Methodology ISA95 part 2&4 models ISA-95 par 5 B2MML


· Identify the resources organisation:
­ ­ ­ ­ Personnel Equipments Material & Energy Process Segments


Available resources: Equipment
SuperToner Equipment Manufacturer
Molding Line1
Molding Machine 1 Molding Machine 2 Molding Machine 3

Company B Electronic sub-contractor

Company C Ink sub-contractor
Solid Ink Pcell Liquid Ink Pcell
Blending Unit

Molding Line2
Molding Machine 4 Molding Machine 5 Engraving Unit Drilling Machine Mounting WkCell Testing WkCell

Reactor Unit Sieving & refining Unit

Conditionning Line
WkCell 1 WkCell 2

Assembly Line
WkCell 1 WkCell 2 WkCell 3


Available resources (at SuperToner plant)
Material Material Def. P22 P56 ECPH WLS25 Kit345 Class Polyethylen Polyethylen Ink Electronic board Accessories Lot PY2702 PY2906 E456 W1257 L35123 Qté 125 kg 54 kg 253 kg 49 56 Classe Molder Molder Molder Assembler Assembler Assembler Printing Tester Electronic Tester Lev. 1 1 2

Equipment ID Equipt E1 Machine1 E2 Machine2 E3 Machine3 E4 Machine4 E5 Machine5 E6 WkCell1 E7 WkCell2 E8 WkCell3

Classe Single molding Single molding Single molding Double molding Double molding Assembly station Assembly station Assembly station

Personnel ID Name P1 Albert P2 Bob P3 Chris P4 David P5 Eric P6 Francis P7 Greg P8 John


Personnel model
0..n 0..n Defined by

Personnel Class
Has properties Of

Has values for

0..n Must map To


Personnel Class Property

Person Property


B2MML : Personnel
<PersonnelInformation> <Description> Personnel of SuperToner <PublishedDate> 2012-12-08 <PersonnelClass> <ID>Molder <Description> Molder <PersonnelClassProperty> <ID> MolderQualif <Description> Molder Qualification test <Value> 1 or 2 <QualificationTestSpecificationID> TestLevel <PersonID> <Person> <ID> P1 <PersonName> Albert <PersonnelClassID> Molder <PersonProperty> <ID> MolderQualif <Value> 1 <TestResult> Pass

Process Segment Concept
Personnel resources managed for production

Equipment resources managed for production

Material resources managed for production

Collections of resources, used together for production, at the granularity needed for business level scheduling and costing


Available Resources : Process Segments

Id Sa1

Process Segment Body molding Cover molding Body + cover molding finishing + pre assembly

Personnel Class 1 molder Duration=1 H 1 molder Duration= 1H 1 molder Level=2 Duration= 1H 1 assembler Duration= 30'

Equipment Class

Material Class

Parameters MoldReference =M* MoldReference =M* MoldReference =M*

Single mold mach. Polyethyle n Duration= 1H Q=? Single mold mach. Q=? Duration= 1H Double mold mach. Duration= 1H Assembly worlkstation Duration= 30' Q=?




ECPH Q=1 WLS25 Q=1


Process Segment model
0..n May be Made up of 0..n 0..n

Process Segment

Segment dependency






Equipment Specification

Personnel Specification

Material Specification
corresponds to element in

corresponds to element in

corresponds to element in

Equipment Model

Personnel Model

Material Model


B2MML : Process Segments
<ProcessSegmentInformation> <ID> <Description> Available processes definition <HierarchyScope> <EquipmentID> SuperToner / Site <PublishedDate> 2012-12-08 <ProcessSegment> <ID> Sa1 <Description> Body molding <Duration> 1 H <PersonnelSegmentSpecification> <PersonnelClassID> Molder <EquipmentSegmentSpecification> <EquipmentClassID> Single mold. Mach. <MaterialSegmentSpecification> <MaterialClassID> Polyethylen <Parameter> <ID> MoldReference <Value> M* <ProcessSegment> <ProcessSegment>

Production Capability
· Resources are now identified · We have to provide information about allocation and availability
­ Within a given timeframe ­ At a particular location ­ For a type of capability: committed, available, unattaignable

· Caution :
­ The process segment capability overlaps the resource capability and those of other process segments
­ Risk of double use of the same resource


Production Capacity (cont'd)
Current Production Capacity
Unattainable Capacity Production Capacity


Available Capacity

Committed Capacity

Current Capacity


Operations Capability Model

Operations Capability

0..n Process segment Capability

0..n Equipment Capability
Must correspond to element in

0..n Personnel Capability
Must correspond to element in

0..n Material Capability
Must correspond to element in

Equipment Model

Personnel Model

Material Model


B2MML: Operations Capability - Header
< OperationsCapability> <ID> <Description> Plant capability <HierarchyScope> SuperToner / Site <PublishedDate> 2012-12-08 <CapabilityType> Committed <Reason> On request <EquipmentElementLevel> Site <StartTime> 2012-12-08 <EndTime> 2002-12-24 <PersonnelCapability>




B2MML: Production capability - Personnel
<PersonnelCapability> <PersonnelClassID> Molder <CapabilityType> (default) <Reason> (default) < HierarchyScope > (default) <EquipmentElementLevel> (default) <StartTime> 2012-12-08 <EndTime> 2012-12-18 <Quantity> 5 <PersonnelCapabilityProperty>
<ID> MolderQualif <Value> 1 <Quantity> 2

2+1 ??? 5

<ID> MolderQualif <Value> 2 <Quantity> 1


B2MML: Process segments capability
<ProcessSegmentCapability> <ID> <Description> Body molding <ProcessSegmentID> SA1 <CapabilityType> <Reason> < HierarchyScope > <EquipmentElementLevel> <StartTime> 2012-12-08 <EndTime> 2012-12-18 <PersonnelCapability> <PersonnelClassID> Molder <Quantity> 1 <PersonnelCapabilityProperty> <ID> MolderQualif <Value> 1 <Quantity> 1 <EquipmentCapability> ... <MaterialCapability> ... <ProcessSegmentCapability>


· Example
­ ­ ­ ­ Product structure and Manufacturing strategy Resources & Capability Operations Schedule Operations Performance

· · · ·

Methodology ISA95 part 2&4 models ISA-95 par 5 B2MML


Operations schedule
· The operations schedule relies on Operations and resources definitions
Operations schedule Operations Request Operations Request

Operations Request

Operations Request

Segment Segment Requirement Requirement

Segment Requirement

Segment Requirement


Operations schedule ­ Corporate level

Operations schedule CARTRIDGES 2012-13-08

10 cartridges 50 cartridges TN6600 HX2200



Segment Segment Requirement Requirement Enclosures Ink

Segment Requirement Electronics

Segment Requirement Assembly

Resources = Plants, production lines


Operations schedule ­ Plant level

Operations schedule SuperToner PLANT

10 enclosures HX2200

50 enclosures TN6600



Segment Requirement Sa1 Body Molding

Segment Requirement Sa2 Cover Molding

Segment Requirement Sa3 Finishing Pre-assembly.

Resources: Personnel, Equipment, Material


Operations schedule
Operations Schedule

Operations Definition

Corresponds to

Operations Request 1..n

Process or Operations Segment

Corresponds to

Segment Requirement

0..n Requested Segment Response





Segment Equipment Personnel Material Parameter Requirement Requirement Requirement


B2MML : Operations schedule
<OperationsSchedule> <ID> P020726 <Description> Updated schedule / urgent order <HierarchyScope> SuperToner / Site <PublishedDate> 2012-12-08 <StartTime> 2012-12-08 <EndTime> 2012-12-08 <OperationsRequest> <ID > OF212 <SegmentRequirement> <ID> Sa1 <Description> Body molding <Duration> 1 H <PersonnelSegmentSpecification> <PersonnelClassID> Molder <EquipmentSegmentSpecification> <EquipmentClassID> Single mold. Mach. <MaterialSegmentSpecification> <MaterialClassID> Polyethylen <MaterialDefinition> P22 <SegmentParameter> <ID> MoldReference <Value> M6600


· Example
­ ­ ­ ­ Product structure and Manufacturing strategy Resources & Capability Operations Schedule Operations Performance

· · · ·

Methodology ISA95 part 2&4 models ISA-95 par 5 B2MML


Operations performance ­ Corporate level
Operations performance (production) CARTRIDGES 2012-12-08

2 cartridges HX2200

4 cartridges TN6600



Segment actual Enclosure

Segment actual Ink

Segment actual Electronics

Segment actual Assembly



Operations performance ­ Plant level

Operations performance (production) SuperToner PLANT

8 enclosures HX2200

7 enclosures TN6600



Segment actual Sa1 Body molding

Segment actual Sa2 Cover molding Resources

Segment actual Sa3 Finishing ­ Pre-Assembly


Operations performance
Operations Performance

Operations Response

0..n Reports on

Operations Request

Segment Response

Corresponds to

Process Segment





Segment Data

Equipment Actual

Personnel Actual


B2MML : Production performance
<OperationsPerformance> <ID> R020726 <Description> Daily production report <HierarchyScope> SuperToner / Site <PublishedDate> 2012-12-08 <OperationsScheduleID> P020726 <StartTime> 2012-12-08 T00:00:00Z <EndTime> 2012-12-08 T24:60:60Z <OperationsResponse> <ID> <OperationsRequestID> OF212 <SegmentResponse> <PersonnelActual> <PersonnelClassID> Molder <PersonID> Alfred <Description> <Quantity> 30min <EquipmentActual> <MaterialActual> <SegmentResponse>

· · · · · Example Methodology ISA95 part 2&4 models ISA-95 par 5 B2MML


Peer-to-peer vs Information service bus
Connect Connect Connect Connect Connect Connect

Appli A

Appli G

Appli A

Appli G

Appli B

Appli H

Appli B

. . MES / . B2M standardized messages



Appli H

Appli C

Appli I

Appli C


Appli I

Appli D

Appli J

Appli D

Connect Connect

Appli J

Appli E

Appli K

Appli E

Appli K





Case 1 : ERP and MES not ISA-95 aware
Send ERP message Receive ERP message Transform to B2MML message Send B2MML message Receive B2MML message Transform to MES message Send MES Message Receive MES Message

ERP Mess.

B2MML Mess.
ERP B2MML connector MES B2MML Connector

MES Mess.



Case 2 : ERP is ISA-95 aware
Send B2MMLmessage Receive B2MML message Transform to MES message Send MES Message Receive MES Message

B2MML Mess.

MES Mess.
MES B2MML Connector



Case 3 : ERP and MES not ISA-95 aware
Send ERP message Receive ERP message Transform to B2MML message Send B2MML message Receive B2MML Message

ERP Mess.

B2MML Mess.
ERP B2MML connector



Case 4 : ERP and MES not ISA-95 aware
Send ERP message Receive ERP message Transform to B2MML message Send B2MML message Receive B2MML message Transform to MES message Send MES Message Receive MES Message

ERP Mess.

B2MML Mess.
ERP B2MML connector MES B2MML Connector

MES Mess.



Case 4 : ERP and MES speak B2MML

Send B2MML message

Receive B2MML message

Warning! Custom Extensions Supported Transactions
B2MML Mess.



Case 4 : B2MML mapping
Receive B2MML message Extension mapping Send B2MMLMessage Receive B2MML message

Send B2MML message

B2MML Mess.

B2MML Mess.
B2MML Router/mapper



not c udo P i r sr ed o r

r ed o not c udo P r i r su a s t t r ed o not c udo P r i r sr e m r ap t a not c udo P i r es nops e R


l ar e a M i t de mm s no C u

ProductionSchedule SAP PP-PI


not c udo P i r s u a s r ed o t t r

Any/Unknown MES / control systems
l ar e a M i t dec udo P r

Central ERP api

ERP connector

Distributued MES api

Enterprise bus ISA-95 messages

MES connectors

Methodology overview
1 Business Glossary ISA-95 models 3 Business process 2 IT Applications

4 Transactions & message identification 5 Message definitions (xsd)


Message Instances (xml)


1. Business Glossary
· Many « languages »
­ Each software solution has its own: « Batch » in ERP is « Lot » in MES, is SKU in warehouse system ­ People may use a terminology based on
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ A well established company wide glossary the current software solution An ancien sotware solution An ancien plant owner ...

· ISA-95 brings an addiitonal one!
­ Can be an advantage: neutral language beyond possible political and personnal conflicts ­ Can be problematic is the company has established its own terminology

1. Business Glossary: an opprotunity
· Designing interface is the right time to establish a common understanding on company's meta-data · ISA-95 is a semi-canonical standard
­ Imposes a given terminology for a limited set of terms
­ Standard structures and attributes: Production Request, Material Definition... ­ All other data have are custom extensions through properties or extension attributes

· The « Glossary » shall be built / maintained
­ Defining an appropriate definition ­ Matching the different terms with ISA-95 standard and extensions ­ can be part of a semantic meta data registration process in the concept of a company-wide MDM effort

1. Business glossary example
Business Term Description Range - Codes BatchManagedIndicator Allow the theoretical use of Yes/No the component in quantity ContainerWeight Define the theoretical weight value of a container HasPotency Titrisation Yes/No IsWeighed WeighingMode The material has to be Yes/No weighed List of authorized weighing 1. Net weighing methods 2. Double weighing 3. Forced input 4. Keyboard gross weighing 5. Lure gross weighing 6. Manual input 7. Authorization to mix different components 8. Counting weighing (capsule) 9. Pallet weighing 10.Laser weighing

2. IT applications
ID MES ERP OPZ Solution FLEXNET SAP Formula+ Description Inventory management Production management Formula optimizer


3. Business Processes
· Describe Business process workflows
­ Identify use cases involving inter-system communications ­ Describe workflows, identifies communication instances

· BP example: Process Order Optimization
­ Use case:
­ optimize the formula before executing a production order, taking into account the characteristics of raw material to be used

­ Simplified :
­ We only consider the part where interoperability is involved


3. Business process
Create / Release Production Requests Manage Material



Execute Production Requests

Optimize Production Requests


4. Transactions & message identification
· For each communication link, identify transactions · For each transaction,
­ Decide for a transaction model (Push, Pull, Publish) ­ identify the involved messages

· For each message
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Give et business relevant name and unique ID IT application origin and destination ISA-05 applicable model ISA-95 part 5 verb (action to perform) ISA-95 par 2/4 noun (the conveyed information)


4. Transactions & message identification
Create / Release Production Requests Manage Material

s et r epo pl ar e a M i r i t

T6 T3

qe R not c udo P denna P i r l e R not c udo P de uc ex E i r t R not c udo P dez m p O i r i it


Optimized Production Requests Material Properties

Execute Production Requests

Optimize Production Requests


T1: Planned Production Requests ERP-> MES



M1.1: Send Planned Production Requests
PROCESS Operations Schedule

Note: no confirmation / acknowledgement at the application level


T2: Executed Production Requests MES -> ERP

M2.1 Send Production Responses
PROCESS Operations Performance


Note: no confirmation / acknowledgement at the application level


T3: Material properties ERP to MES

M3.1 Query Material Properties
GET Material Lot


M3.2 Send Material Properties
SHOW Material Lot


T4: Material properties MES -> Optimizer

M4.1 Send Material Properties
SYNC Material Lot



T5: Optimized Production Requests MES <-> Optimizer

M5.1 Send Planned Production Requests
PROCESS Operations Schedule


M5.2 Send Optimized Production Requests
ACKNOWLEDGE Operations Schedule


T6: Optimized Production Requests MES -> ERP



M6.1 Send Optimized Production Requests
PROCESS Operations Schedule


Message summary
# Transaction Mode T1 Planned PUSH Production Requests T2 Executed PUSH Production Requests T3 Material PULL Properties (MES) T4 Material Properties (OPZ) T5 Optimized Production Requests PUBLISH M.4.1 PUSH M.5.1 Send Material Properties Send Planned Production Requests Send Optimized Production Requests Send Optimized Production Requests Mateiral Operations Schedule SYNC Material Lot MES Operations Schedule OPZ Mess. Message ISA-95 ID name Modèle Send Planned Production Operations M1.1 Requests Schedule Send Production Operations M2.1 Responses Performance Query Material M3.1 Properties Material Send Material M.3.2 Properties Material Verb Noun Operations Schedule Origin Dest.





Operations Performance MES Material lot Material Lot MES ERP





M.5.2 T6 Optimized Production Requests PUSH

Operations Schedule

Operations Acknowledge Schedule




Operations Schedule


Operations Schedule




5. Message definition
· Messages data mapping
­ Business data correspond to ISA-95 data
­ ­ Existing attributes in the model tree structure Custom attributes extending the appropriate objetcts

Feuille Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003


AND applications data As a consequence, a message row relates ­ ISA-95 concept (ex : SegmentRequirement.ID) ­ Business data (ex : Process Order) ­ SAP data (ex : Y_MES_H PPPI_CONTROL_RECIPE ) ­ MES data (ex : PO_ID)

· Each message mapping is an independent sub-project
­ Interface projects can be split at will : per business process, per system..

Note : The presented example is not included in the conference material (customer information)


· · · · · Example Methodology ISA95 part 2&4 models ISA-95 par 5 B2MML


5. Categories of information / part 2

Enterprise Information
Plant Production Scheduling, Operational Management, etc

Definition Capability Information Information
(What it takes to make a job) (What resources are available)

Schedule Performance
(What to make and use) (What was made and used)

Manufacturing Control Information
Area Supervision, Production, Scheduling, Reliability, Assurance, etc


5. Categories of information / part 4

Definition Capability Information Information
(What it takes to make a job) (What resources are available)

Schedule Performance
(What to make and use) (What was made and used)

Manufacturing Control Information


Extended interoperability domains
Represented in the Operations Schedule model Represented in the Operations Performance model

Production schedule

Maintenance request

Quality Test request

Inventory request

Production Maintenance performance response

Quality Test response

Inventory response

Manufacturing operations management
Production operations management Maintenance operations management Quality operations management Inventory operations management

Product definition

Maintenance definition

Quality Test definition

Inventory definition

Production capability

Maintenance capability

Quality Test capability

Inventory capability

Represented in the Operations Definition model

Represented in the Operations Capability model 78

ISA-95 part 2/4 models
Category Resource ISA-95.02 Personnel Role based equipment, Physical asset, physical model, Material Resource relationship network Poential Knowledge Process segment Operations definition Operations / Kinetic knowledge Operations schedule Operations performance Operations capability Work Alert Work definition Work schedule Work performance Work capability ISA-95.04


Personnel (part 2)
· Includes
­ persons and personnel classes (categories) ­ properties as Skills and capabilities of individuals (persons) and groups (classes) ­ Qualification Tests associated to properties ­ Results associated to property, individual and test


Personnel (part 2)
Personnel Class
Has properties of > 0..n 0..n Is tested by a > 0..n 0..n < Defined by 0..n Is tested by a > 0..n Has values for >


Qualification Test Specification
0..n Is tested by a > 0..n Defines a procedure for obtaining a > 0..n < Maps to 0..n < Records the execution of 0..n

Qualification Test Result


Personnel Class Property

Person Property

0..n < may contain nested

0..n < may contain nested


Equipment (part 2)
· Split in 2 view points
­ Role based equipment (that participates in a segment activity as a functional entity) ­ Physical Asset (that identifies a given specific equipment regardless its current function / status)

· Includes
­ equipment and equipment classes (type of equipment) ­ properties as characteristics / capabilities of equipment / equipment classes ­ Capability Tests associated to properties ­ Results associated to property, equipment and test


Role based equipment (part 2)
< May be made up of 0..n

Equipment Class
Has properties of >

0..n 0..n 0..n Is tested by an > 0..n < Defined by 0..n Is tested by an > 0..n

Has values for >

Equipment Capability Test Specification
0..n Is tested by an > Defines a procedure for obtaining an > 0..n Maps to 0..n 0..n < Records the execution of

Equipment Capability Test Result

Equipment Class Property



Equipment Property

0..n < may contain nested

0..n < may contain nested


Physical asset (part 2)
> May be made up of 0..n > is an instance of

Physical Asset
Has values for >

1..1 0..n Is tested by an > 0..n

0..n 0..n Is tested by an > 0..n

Physical Asset Class
Has properties of >

Physical Asset Capability Test Result

< records the testing of Defines a procedure for obtaining an < 0..n

Physical Asset Capability Test Specification
0..n 0..n Is tested by an < Maps to 0..n



Physical Asset Property
0..n < may contain nested

Physical Asset Class Property
0..n < may contain nested


Role based equipment / physical asset relationship (part 2)
< May be made up of 0..n > May be made up of 0..n > Implemented by

Equipment Class
Has properties of >

0..n 0..n < Defined by




< records use and removal of asset to implement equipment

Physical Asset

> is an instance of 0..n


Physical Asset Class

Has properties of >

Equipment Asset Mapping
0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Maps to

Equipment Class Property

Maps to

Equipment Property

Physical Asset Property
0..n < may contain nested

Physical Asset Class Property
0..n < may contain nested

0..n < may contain nested

0..n < may contain nested


Material model (part 2)
· Includes
­ material definitions (article id) and material classes (categories of material) ­ Material Lots and Sublots with location information ­ Properties as characteristics of material definitions, classes, lots, sublots ­ Material Tests associated to properties ­ Results associated to property, material lot/sublot and test


Material model (part 2)
Is assembled from Is assembled from Is assembled from Is assembled from


0..n Defines a grouping 0..n

0..n 0..n 1..1 Defined by

0..n Made up of



Material Class
Has properties of


Material Definition
Has properties of

Material Lot


Material Sublot

Is tested by a >

Is tested by a > 0..n 0..n 0..n

Is tested by a > 0..n

Has values for

Has values for

May be made up of sublots

Material Test Specification
Defines a procedure for obtaining a 0..n Records the execution of

Is tested by a > 0..n

0..n Is tested by a > 0..n

QA Test Result



Material Class Property
0..n < may contain nested

May map to

Material Definition Property
0..n < may contain nested

0..n Maps to


Material Lot Property


0..n < may contain nested


Process segment (part 2)
· A process segment: ­ the process view for the business system to control material, labor, resource usage, cost, and quality in order to control the production ­ can be more or less detailed and self contained providing a "telescopic" view of manufacturing capabilities of a given facility Also called: ­ Process stages, process operations, Unit operations, Assembly steps and assembly actions The model Defines Capability, Parameters & Resources used by the Segment (Personnel, Equipment & Materials) The Segment pattern appears in all subsequent models


· ·


Process segment (part 2)
· Business view of production Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
(3 Segments) Make Active Ingredient Make Pills Package Doses

Raw Materials

Finished Products

Inventory tracked for Active Ingredient Know throughput, resources and time to make Active Ingredient

Inventory tracked for Pills

Inventory tracked for Pill Packs

Know throughput, resources and time to make Pills

Know throughput, resources and time to make Pill Packs


Process segment (part 2)
0..n has an execution dependency on

Process Segment
is a collection of


0..n May be made up of

Process Segment Dependency






Process Segment Parameter
0..n May be made up of

Personnel Segment Specification
Has properties of 0..n

Equipment Segment Specification
Has properties of 0..n

Physical Asset Segment Specification
Has properties of 0..n

Material Segment Specification

0..n Is assembled from

Has properties of 0..n

Personnel Segment Specification Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Equipment Segment Specification Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Physical Asset Segment Specification Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Material Segment Specification Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Personnel Model

Equipment Model

Physical Asset Model

Material Model


Resource relationship network (part 4)
Resource Relationship Netw ork

class Resource Relationship Netw ork

1..* Resource Netw ork Connection «deri ve» Resource Netw ork Connection Type

1 To Resource Reference

1 From Resource Reference

0..* Resource Netw ork Connection Property

0..* Resource Netw ork Connection Type Property

«deri ve»

0..* To Resource Reference Property

0..* From Resource Reference Property

+Corresponds to el ements in

+Corresponds to el ements i n

Resource Models

notes Any of the Personnel , Equi ment, Materi al , Physi cal Asset, Work Process Segment, or Process Segment model s


· Uniquely define the production capability for a specific element of the equipment model ­ Given for specific resources as well as segments Provide a description of - or other information about the production capability Provide current state of the capability (available, committed, or unattainable) Define a location for the capability Define the physical level of the capability (Enterprise, Site, Area, Process Cell...) Define a Start Time and End Time that defines the lifecycle time for the capability Document the publish date for when the capability was published or generated

· · · · · ·


Operations capability (part 2)
Operations Capability
1 Is a collection of






Process Segment Capability

Personnel Capability
Has properties of 1 0..n

Equipment Capability
Has properties of 1 0..n

Physical Asset Capability
Has properties of 1 0..n

Material Capability

0..n Is assembled from

Has properties of 1 0..n

Personnel Capability Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Equipment Capability Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Physical Asset Capability Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Material Capability Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Personnel Model

Equipment Model

Physical Asset Model

Material Model


Process segment capability (part 2)
Process Segment Capability
Corresponds to

Process Segment

Is a collection of





Personnel Capability
Has properties of 0..n

Equipment Capability
Has properties of 0..n

Physical Asset Capability
Has properties of 0..n

Material Capability
Has properties of 0..n

0..n Is assembled from

Personnel Capability Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Equipment Capability Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Physical Asset Capability Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Material Capability Property
0..n Corresponds to element in 1..1

Personnel Model

Equipment Model

Physical Asset Model

Material Model


Work capability (part 4)
class Work Capability Model Work Capability

0..* Word Master Capability

0..* Personnel Capability

0..* Equipment Capability

0..* Physical Asset Capability

0..* Material Capability

+Is assembled from 0..* 0..* Personnel Capability Property 0..* Equipment Capability Property 0..* Physical Asset Capability Property 0..* Material Capability Property

+Corresponds to element in

0..* 1

+Corresponds to element in

0..* 1

+Corresponds 0..* to element in 1 Physical Asset Model

+Corresponds to element in

0..* 1

Personnel Model

Equipment Model

Material Model


Work Master capability (part 4)
class Work Master Capability Model Work Master Capability Work Master +Corresponds to 0..* 1

0..* Personnel Capability

0..* Equipment Capability

0..* Physical Asset Capability

0..* Material Capability

+Is assembled from 0..* 0..* Personnel Capability Property 0..* Equipment Capability Property 0..* Physical Asset Capability Property 0..* Material Capability Property

+Corresponds to element i n

0..* 1

+Corresponds to element in

0..* 1

+Corresponds to element in

0..* 1

+Corresponds to element in

0..* 1

Personnel Model

Equipment Model

Physical Asset Model

Material Model


· A definition specifies the resources required to perform a specified operation such as making a product, maintaining an equipment, teaching an operator, executing a quality analysis or moving materials.
­ Defines a sequence of "Operations segments"

· It does not describes how to perform this work in detail, though this information can be handled as
­ general, site or master recipe (IEC 61512-1 and ANSI/ISAS88.01-1995 definition), ­ standard operating procedure (SOP), ­ standard operating conditions (SOC), And attached to the Operations definition and its segments


Operations definition (part 2)
Has a reference to < Has a reference to >

Bill of Resources (External)
Has associated > May be made up of 0..n has an execution dependency on 0..n 0..n

Operations Definition
Has associated 0..n 1..n 1..1

Work Definition (External)

Bill of Material (External)
may have a reference to >

Has associated > 0..n

May have a reference to > Corresponds to 0..n 1..n

Operations Material Bill

Operations Segment

Process Segment

Operations Segment Dependency
0..n 0..n

Is a collection of

1..1 0..n

Operations Material Bill Item

0..n Is assembled from





Parameter Specification
0..n May be made up of

Personnel Specification

Equipment Specification

Physical Asset Specification

Material Specification

0..n Is assembled from





Personnel Specification Property
0..n Corresponds to element in

Equipment Specification Property
0..n Corresponds to element in

Physical Asset Specification Property
0..n Corresponds to element in

Material Specification Property
0..n Corresponds to element in





Personnel Model

Equipment Model

Physical Asset Model

Material Model


Work definition (part 4)
class Work Definition Model Operations Definition +May have reference to Work Definition

Abstract Type Work Master 1 +is created from 0..* Work Directiv e



+May be made up of 0..*

0..* Parameter Specification

0..* Personnel Specification

0..* Equipment Specification

0..* Physical Asset Specification

0..* Material Specification +Is assembled from 0..*

0..* Workflow Specification

0..* Personnel Specification Property

0..* Equipment Specification Property

0..* Physical Asset Property

0..* Material Specification Property

+Corresponds to element in


+Corresponds to element in


+Corresponds to element in


+Corresponds to element in


1 Personnel Model

1 Equipment Model

1 Physical Asset Model

1 Material Model


· What to make and what to use · Operations schedule information
­ Is a collection of Operations Requests

· Operations request
­ information required to fulfill the scheduled operation.
­ a collection of Segment Requirements

­ May reference the associated operations instructions

· A segment Requirement
­ Shall correspond to an existing operations or process segment ­ Defines specific Equipment, Personnel, Material requirements and Operations parameters ­ There may only be one production segment,
­ But at least one!

Operations schedule (part 2)
Operations Definition

Operations Schedule
Is made up of 1..n May correspond to an <

Operations Request

Is made up of May correspond to an < 1..n 0..n

Process Segment

Corresponds to an <

Segment Requirement
0..n May contain 0..n

Requested Segment Response

May contain





Segment Parameter
0..n May be made up of Corresponds to a

Personnel Requirement

Equipment Requirement

Physical Asset Requirement

Material Requirement

0..n Is assem bled from





Personnel Requirement Property
Corresponds to element in the

Equipment Requirement Property

Physical Asset Requirement Property

Material Requirement Property
Corresponds to element in the

Corresponds to element in the

Corresponds to element in the

Parameter Specification or Process Segment Parameter

Personnel Model

Equipment Model

Physical Asset Model

Material Model


Work Schedule (part 4)

Work Schedule

Job List Work Request

+Made be made up of 0..*

1..* Work Master +Corresponds to Job Order


+May be made up of 0..*

+May be made up of 0..*

0..* Job Order Parameter

0..* Personnel Requirement

0..* Equipment Requirement

0..* Physical Asset Requirement

0..* Material Requirement

+Is assembled from 0..* 0..* Personnel Requirement Property 0..* Equipment Requirement Property 0..* Physical Asset Requirement Property 0..* Material Requirement Property

+Corresponds to element in 1 Personnel Model

+Corresponds to element in 1 Equipment Model

+Corresponds to element in 1 Physical Asset Model

+Corresponds to element in 1 Material Model


What was made and what was used - example · A Operations Performance
­ Is a collection of Operations Responses

· A Operations Response
­ Is a collection of Segment Response ­ Corresponds to a specific Production Request

· A segment Response
­ Correspond to a specific segment requirement ­ Reports What resources were actually used, consumed, produced and other production data


Operations performance (part 2)
Operations Definition

Operations Performance
Is made up of 1..n May correspond to a > 0..n 0..1

May correspond to an <

Operations Response

Operations Request

Is made up of May correspond to an < 1..n

Process Segment

Corresponds to a <

Segment Response

May contain

May contain






Segment Data
0..n May be made up of

Personnel Actual

Equipment Actual

Physical Asset Actual

Material Actual

0..n Is assembled from





Personnel Actual Property
Corresponds to element in

Equipment Actual Property

Physical Asset Actual Property
Corresponds to element in

Material Actual Property
Corresponds to element in

Corresponds to element in

Personnel Model

Equipment Model

Physical Asset Model

Material Model


Work performance (part 4)

Work Performance

+May be m ade up of 0..* Work Response

+May be made up of 0..* +Is made up of 1..* Job Response Work Directiv e +Corrsponds to 0..1 +May be made up of 0..*

0..* +May be made up Job Response Data of 0..*

0..* Personnel Actual

0..* Equipment Actual

0..* Physical Asset Actual

0..* Material Actual

+Is assem bl ed from 0..* 0..* Personnel Actual Property 0..* Equipment Actual Property 0..* Physical Asset Actual Property 0..* Material Actual Property

+Corresponds to el ement in


+Correspondes to el ement in


+Correspondes to element i n


+Correspondes to element i n


1 Personnel Model

1 Equipment Model

1 Physical Asset Model

1 Material Model


Segments, Segments, Segments...
· Process segment: manufacturing capability
­ Defines the manufacturing process available per segment ­ Gather the required resources to execute the defined operations segments

· Operations/Work Segment: manufacturing requirements
­ Defines the specifications per operations segment ­ Details the required resources for this operations segment

· Segment Requirement: run time requirements
­ Defines the specifics for an operations request

· Segment Response
­ Reports the actual happening


Segments, Segments, Segments...

Operaitons / Work capability

Operations / Work definition
Operations segment ·Parameter ·Resource specification

Operations / Work schedule
Segment requirement ·Parameter ·Resource requirement

Operations / Work performance
Segment response ·Parameter ·Resource actual

Process segment ·Parameter ·Resource specification


s n o i t a r e p O

s n o i t a r e p O i t a m r o f n I l u s r d n e k m o t a h W

Summary / part 2 e lb v is t a h W
m r o f n I y t l i b p a C e c r u o s R t l i y b a C p h W c u o s e r t a ilb v e r a t O o i a p s n r e t n m g e S y t l i b p a C o d e b n c t a h W u o s r e h it w c s e c o r P s t n m g e S s io c n u f t a h W ilb v e r a o s t n io t a r e p m f s n o i t a r e p O o t n i f e D t w o H an in t a r e p o m o f r e p s n o i t a r e p O l u d e h c S e b o is t a h W m s u & e d a s n t a r e io p O l u d e h c S

s n o i t a r e p O c n a m o f r e P s w t a h W s u & e d a m s n io t a r e p O c n a m o f r e P
May correspond to a

s n io t a r e p O y ilt b p a C

s n io t a r e p O o t in f e D

s n t a r e io p O t s u q e R

s n io t a r e p O n o p s e R

May correspond to a

Must correspond to a

Must correspond to a

May correspond May correspond to a to a

s n io t a r e p O t n m g e S y ilt b p a C

s e c o r P t n m g e S

s n io t a r e p O t n m g e S

t n m g e S t n m ir u q e R

t n m g e S n o p s e R

May correspond to a

May correspond to a

May correspond to a

c r u o s e R y ilt b p a C

c r u o s e R y ilt b p a C

c r u o s e R S n o t a if c e p

c r u o s e R S n o t a if c e p

c r u o s e R m ir u q e t n R

c r u o s e R l a u t c A

May correspond to a

May correspond to a

May correspond to a

May correspond to a

c r u o s e R y ilt b p a C P r y t e p o

c r u o s e R y ilt b p a C y t e p o r P

c r u o s e R S n o t a if c e p y t e p o r P

c r u o s e R n o t a if c e p S y t e p o r P

c r u o s e R t n m ir u q e R y t e p o r P

c r u o s e R l a u t c A y t e p o r P

m r o f n I y t l i b p a C Summary / part 4 e ilb v a s t h W

k r o W

c r u o s e R y t l i b p a C c u o s e r t a h W ilb v e r a

k r o W e t s a M r a C i b p t l y o d e b n c t a h W c u o s r e h it w y ilt b p a C k r o W

m f r e p t w o H

r k o W e t s a M r k r o w

e b o is t a h W d m o f r e P im t y b c u o s r & e

b o J t s i L

k r o W l u d e h c S e b o is t a h W d m o f r e P c n a m o f r e P

k r o W s w t a h W d m o f r e p v t c e r i D m f r e p t w o H b jo if c e p s a

k r o W

l u d e h c S

k r o W

d n p s e r o C

a o t

c n a m o f r e P

k r o W

t is L b o J

t s u q e R k r o W d n p s e r o C a o t

n p s e R k r o W

k r o W r e t s a M b p a C y ilt

d n p s e r o C a o t

k r o W r e t s a M

d n p s e r o C

a o t

e d r O b o J

d n p s e r o C

n p s e R b o J a o t

d n p s e r o C a o t

k r o W v t c e ir D

o r u s c e R a C y ilt b p

d n p s e r o C

a o t

c r u o s e R t n m g e S y ilt b p a C

d n p s e r o C a o t

o e R c r u s n o t a if c e p S

d n p s e r o C

a o t

c r u o s e R t n m ir u q e R

d n p s e r o C

a o t

c r u o s e R l a u t c A

d n p s e r o C a o t

c r u o s e R n o t a if c e p S

o e R r u s c y ilt b a p C e p r P y t o

d n p s e r o C

a o t

c r u o s e R t n m g e S y ilt b p a C y t e p o r P

d n p s e r o C a o t c r u o s e R

R o e c r u s n o t a if c e p S P r o y e p t

d n p s e r o C

a o t

c r u o s e R t n m ir u q e R y t e p o r P

d n p s e r o C

a o t

c r u o s e R l a u t c A y t e p o r P

d n p s e r o C a o t

c r u o s e R n o t a if c e p S y t e p o r P

P M A a c y h t m ip u q E l, n o s r e


· · · · · Example Methodology ISA95 part 2&4 models ISA-95 par 5 B2MML


ISA95 part 5
· The Open Application Group ­ OAG ­ publishes an extensive XML schema specification for exhanging information to/from/between business systems (ERP)
­ www.openapplications.org ­ It sometimes overlaps with ISA95

· Currently (04/2008) version 9.2, includes some ISA95 models · OAGIS defines messages based on a VERB-NOUN combination to properly handle complete transactions
­ Allowing Push/Pull/Publish-Subscribe transactional modes

· The ISA95 part 5 standard extend part 1/2 to specify applicable transactions/messages
­ It only use a subset of the OAGIS VBERBS

Messages et transactions
Message : · a structured Owner of information information unit conveyed in a oneLocal way transfer of data processing from one sending application to one or more receiving applications Transaction : SHOW · a sequence of related messages that are exchanged among applications
GET Equipment
Application Identification Area Data Area VERB = GET Noun = Equipment ID= "ABC"

User of information

SHOW Equipment
Application Identification Area Data Area VERB = SHOW Noun = Equipment ID= "ABC" Description = "Simple equipment" Equipment Property ID = "Throughput" Value = 200 PPM Description = "Throughput as parts per minute" ...


Message Structure
· Content of a message: ­ Application identification area
­ typically includes the electronic address of the sender, an indication of the confirmation requirement, and the date and time the message was created ...

Message Application Identification Area Data Area VERB NOUN

­ Data Area ­ VERB
­ defines the action to be performed, or the response to a request

­ Data Area ­ NOUN
­ represents one or more objects, as defined in the Part 1 and Part 2 object models


The above information defines a unique and unambiguous meaning of messages

Verb list


Description Acknowledgement of a PROCESS request. Request to a receiver to remove information. Request to a receiver to change information. Confirmation response to a request.



Request to a receiver for information on one or more objects. Request to a receiver to process new information. Response to a CHANGE message request. Response to a GET message. Request from the owner of the object to add information Request from the owner of the object to change information Request from the owner of the object to delete information

Noun list
Personnel Class Person Qualification Test Specification Equipment Class Equipment Equipment Capability Test Specification Physical Asset Class Physical Asset Physical Asset Capability Test Specification Material Class Material Definition Material Lot Material Sublot Material Test Specification Resource Relationship Network Connection Type Resource Relationship Network Connection Process Segment Operations Capability Work Capability Operations Definition Work Directive Work Master Workflow specification Operations Schedule Work Schedule Job list Operations Performance Work Performance Work Alert Transaction Service Profile

· · · · · Example Methodology ISA95 part 2&4 models ISA-95 par 5 B2MML


· The ISA95 object models may be used as the basis for formalized information exchange protocols
­ Such as SQL tables, XML internet files, or IDL object definitions

· B2MML is originally an XML implementation of ISA95
­ Along with BatchML for ISA88

· B2MML = ISA88+ISA95 data structures implementation
­ BatchML (ISA88 part 2) and new ISA88 models (Part 3 and 4) are now merged into B2MML

· B2MML is developed by the WBF
­ WBF is an ISA sponsored/supported organization ­ B2MML is for "Business To Manufacturing Markup Language" ­ Has become the de facto implementation standard for business to manufacturing information exchange

· B2MML benefit of a reactive development environment
­ About 1 version / year

Example: Personnel schema
Information About Personnel Classes Information About Tests Information About Persons

Personnel Class
Has properties of >

0..n 0..n Is tested by a > 0..n

0..n < Defined by 0..n Is tested by a > 0..n


Has values for >

Qualification Test Specification
0..n Is tested by a > 0..n Defines a procedure for obtaining a > 0..n < Maps to 0..n < Records the execution of 0..n

Qualification Test Result


Personnel Class Property

Person Property


Example: Personnel schema - Header


Extension mechanism


Example: Personnel schema ­ root element


Download the latests
· This presentation (and many others)
­ http://www.syntropicfactory.com/node/3798


­ http://wbforg.affiniscape.com/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr= ­ https://services.mesa.org/ResourceLibrary/ViewCategory/8c65bee5-db

· ISA95 committee
­ http://www.isa.org/isa95


Thank You j.vieille@controlchaingroup.com www.syntropicfactory.com www.controlchaingroup.net

Johann Sebastian Bach. the music closest to silence, closest, in spite of its being so highly organized, to pure, one-hundred-degree proof Spirit" (Aldous Huxley, Island)