This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Attribution: Jean Vieille Work: ISA8895 Implementation Section: Structure Chapter: Physical Asset Language: English Version: V3 - 05/2011 Jean Vieille Research community Consulting group Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 2 CC functional domains ISA88 ISA95 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset ISA88 + ISA95 TOGAF ITIL Product Asset Management Inventory Asset Management Physical Asset Management Human Asset Management 3 IT Asset Management Information Elements Cliquez pour ajouter Stdtableau un Domain sur l'icôneModel Information elements Product Asset Inventory Asset Physical Asset Human Asset Equipment Control Physical Process Control Physical Process Mngt Operation Process Mngt Product Product Material Physical Equipment Personnel Procedural Procedural Segment Operation Activity ISA88 ISA95 ISA95 ISA88 ISA95 ISA95 ISA88 ISA88 ISA95 ISA95 Product Hierarchy Product Definition Material Resources Equipment Hierarchy Equipment Resources Personnel Hierarchy Personnel Resources Functional Hierarchy Equipment Procedural Elements Physical Processes / Procedural Elements Physical Process Transform Components Segments Operation Processes Activities / Tasks 4 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset Objectives of the physical asset modeling Provide to the system a depiction of the actual composition of the facility Ø We build a consistent image of the world from our social and cultural environment, our senses, our experiences Ø The quite limited perception and computing capabilities of an information system imposes to provide it a structured, preformatted view of its physical environment. This view may be Ø Rigid = corresponding to a typical assembly of its constituting equipment Ø Dynamic = linked to the functional objective of the considered instant § "meccano" view of an entirely dismantled facility, assembled at need to execute a particular "process oriented" functionality 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 5 Who's / What's concerned? PRM Usr/Rsp Cliquez sur l'icône pour ajouter unUsage tableau Typ.IT app Customer order processing Production planning & scheduling Production control Material and energy control Procurement Quality assurance Product inventory control Product cost accounting Product shipping administration Maintenance management Research & development Engineering X X X X R X X 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 6 Models overview The Physical asset models identify the enterprise physical aspects Enterprise physical nature is described in a hierarchical manner 2 models address physical asset modelling Ø ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model Ø ISA95 Equipment Model By physical, ISA- and ISA-95 refer to 2 different concepts Ø Topology as geographical location such as a workshop, a plant (as logical concepts for designating a place or an organizational entity) Ø "Equipment entities" that can be a machine, a facility (as a collection of equipment) Still quite fuzzy in ISA-95 ISA-88 made some progress by distinguising a physical model for the topology and an Equipment entity model (that associate "control" to make these entity "processing enabled" 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 7 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 8 ISA88/95 Physical Hierarchy Model This model is global, covering the industrial part of the enterprise Ø Describes the general organization of physical assets hierarchically Ø Matches one aspect of the enterprise decisional structure Ø The ISA88 model was initially "Batch Oriented" Ø ISA95 extends it to cover the whole production system Ø CCM extends it to cover the financial aspects This model is not very constraining, Ø The upper levels describe the logical organization of the enterprise, to match any organisational structures ­ not to guide organization Ø Lower levels are more prescriptive and must be respected, but they can be (mostly) omitted or extended Both ISA88 and ISA95 are critically bound to this model Ø The information system is primarily structured around this model Ø The lower levels starting at the Work Center (Process Cell) level are specifically relevant for the ISA88 standard 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 9 ISA88 Physical Model 7 levels are defined : Ø Organizational Upper levels § Entreprise, Site, Area Ø ENTERPRISE SITE AREA Technical Lower levels § Process Cell, Unit, Equipment Module, Control Module § Address flexibility Control Modules (Lowest level) correspond to the actual equipment. § Other level are compositions of lower levels PROCESS CELL UNIT Ø EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 10 ISA95 extended physical model (Actual Facility layout) ENTERPRISE SITE AREA WORK CENTER PROCESS CELL PRODUCTION UNIT PRODUCTION LINE STORAGE ZONE BATCH PROCESS (ISA88) CONTINUOUS PROCESS DISCRETE PROCESS WAREHOUSE WORK UNIT UNIT UNIT WORK CELL STORAGE UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 11 Upper physical level modeling ENTERPRISE SITE Enterprise, Site, Area, Process cell Ø No technical constraints Ø Based on organizational considerations Ø A Process cell corresponds at least to the scope of the Recipes or Process Orders / Production Requests AREA WORK CENTER UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 12 Example of upper level modeling LFA & Co Enterprise Sites Lyon Frankfurt Atlanta Area Production Storage / Shipment Utilities Work Center Building A Building B Finihed products Raw material Control & Packaging Steam generatio n 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 13 Example of upper level modeling Work Centers Storage zone Storage zone Raw material Finish products Process Cell Process Cell Production Line Preparation Areas Production 1 Process Cell Packaging Production 2 N2 Steam Water Power Gazeous effluents Condensats Waste water Heat Process Cell Utilities 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 14 Extended Physical & Decisional hierarchy Shareholders Company Enterprise Site Area Work Center Work Unit Equipment Module Control Module Financial management Planning Scheduling Operations 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 15 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 16 Combining Production / Industrial Information Systems Production System as a physical entity is the Framework (ISA88) Ø Physical hierarchy corresponds to Decision hierarchy Ø Any Information service or process is embedded within a specific Equipment entity, at any level § IIS doesn't exist by itself in the vacuum... Ø Information system is a supporting system, not a leading entity Any part of the production system might need IIS support Ø Or can live without it Equipment elements are equipment entities when associated with information processing features 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 17 Equipment Entity embeds Equipment & Information Equipment Element FT Information Processing Business Process Management Physical Process Management Physical Process Control Equipment Control Equipment Entity 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 18 Equipment Entity ­ Example 1 Command Run pump at rate X Status Pump running At rate X C E E E Physical Equipment FT Equipment Entity E E E Information Processing Basic Procedural Coordination 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 19 Equipment Entity ­ Example 2 Command Request Process capabilities Status / Response Processing Capabilities Catalog C E E E Physical Equipment Equipment Entity E E E Information Processing Process segment Definition lookup 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 20 Equipment Entity ­ Example 3 Command Optimize Orders' Scheduling Status / Response Optimized Orders' schedule C E E E Physical Equipment Equipment Entity E E E Information Processing Schedule Orders 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 21 Information & Equipement The physical model is the primary framework of information system Ø All functional elements, resources, documents rest on this model Ø No information can be defined outside the context of an equipment entity ­ its physical scope Ent. Basic control Coordination control Procedural control (Equipment) Procedural control (Recipes) Product definition Objects classes X X X X X X X X X X X X Site Area Pcell Unit EM CM X X 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 22 ISA88 definition for lower physical hierarchy model Process cell Ø A logical grouping of equipment required for production of one or more batches Units Ø A collection of related control modules and equipment modules that can carry out one or more processing activities Equipment modules Ø A functional group of equipment and/or control modules that can carry out a finite number of specific processing activities Control modules Ø A regulating device, a state oriented device, or a combination of both that is operated as a single device 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 23 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 24 Role of the Work Center PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE A work centre needs to encompass all the needed Work Units to CONTROL MODULE make a defined product Ø The scope of a Production Request Essentially an organizational level Ø Activity, topology Ø No hard constraints Ø Might help for facilities classification § Ability to replicate a Work Center template 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 25 Work Center for Batch: Process Cell PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE Definition CONTROL MODULE Ø A logical grouping of equipment (Units) required for the production of one or more batches Properties Ø May contain more than one grouping of equipment needed to make a batch § "Train" Ø The equipment actually used for the batch is referred to as the path Ø May contain more than one batch at a time (possibly several independent production order being processed simultaneously) 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 26 Work Center for Batch: Process Cell PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE Rules Ø Static geographical structure, defined at the engineering time Ø The batch maintains its integrity Ø The scope of a recipe or production request Ø The action scope of an operator Ø Bounded by input / output material storage (raw matierial / semi-finished products / finished products Examples Ø Building B6 Ø Finishing workshop 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 27 Process Cell Structures Single-Path "Raw" Material Storage PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE Unit 1 Unit 2 "Finished" Material Storage Multiple-Path "Raw" Material Storage "Finished" Material Storage Unit 1 Unit 2 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 28 NetworkedPath Process Cell Structure PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE Unit 1 "Raw" Material Storage Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 "Finished" Material Storage 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 29 Example of a 2Unit Process Cell M PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE Ingredient B Premixer F1 Ingredient A M PIC PIC Reactor 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 30 Example of a 4Unit Process Cell #1 #2 #3 #4 FQIC FQIC FQIC FQIC PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE V11 V3 PIC V11 Vent V5 V12 N2 Cond V13 C-H2O V14 TIC V1 PIC Vent V1 V12 N2 Premix1 Steam V15 H2O-R V16 Catalyst Rxtr 1 V8 WI FSL V10 V6 V11 Vent V7 V11 V1 PIC VENT V1 V5 Cond V13 C-H2O V14 V1 V2 V12 N2 V4 PIC V12 N2 Catalyst Premix2 LI TIC Steam V15 H2O-R V16 FSL Rxtr 2 LI V8 V10 V6 V7 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 31 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 32 Role of Work Unit PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE The « Central » allocation level Ø A relatively autonomous entity for planning/scheduling purpose Ø Batch Processes, § A strict batch breakdown : Unit contains one single batch Work Cell is similar to Unit Ø Ø Discrete Processes, § Warehouses and storage : Allocation is not confined to a specific level § Storage Units should be recursive ­ not in the standard § Ø Continuous processes A main equipment, Sub-part of a Production Unit § Can segregate "virtual batches" in a continuous flow § Provides and execute product independent process services Ø Implemented by Equipment Procedural Element (EPE) (possibly inherited from embedded Equipment Modules) 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 33 Work Units for Batch: Unit PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE Definition Ø Is a collection of Control Modules and Equiment Modules Ø Performs one or more significant processing activities, as product independent Equipment procedural Elements Combining material, Performing a reaction Role Ø Basis of procedural control Properties Ø Cannot contain another unit Ø A unit cannot operate on more than one batch of material at any given time § Although a unit is allowed to operate on a portion of a single batch Although a batch is allowed to be completed in a single unit Permanently attached parts to a unit Temporarily attached parts to a unit Totally separate from any unit Ø Ø Making a batch often requires multiple units § § § § May contain a flexible amount of control modules and/or equipment modules 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 34 Work Units for Batch: Unit PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE Rules CONTROL MODULE Ø Essentially dynamic structure, : identified at the engineering time, but physical scope depends on the context Ø Centered around a major piece of equipment Ø Autonomy: May operate independently of other units Examples Ø Reactor, Mixer Ø Washing machine Ø Oven Ø Press 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 35 Example of a Unit in a Process Cell #1 #2 #3 #4 FQIC FQIC FQIC FQIC PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE V11 V3 PIC V11 Vent V5 V12 N2 Cond V13 C-H2O V14 TIC V1 PIC Vent V1 V12 N2 Premix1 Steam V15 H2O-R V16 Catalyst Rxtr 1 V8 WI FSL V10 V6 V11 Vent V7 V11 V1 PIC VENT V1 V5 Cond V13 C-H2O V14 V1 V2 V12 N2 V4 PIC V12 N2 Catalyst Premix2 LI TIC Steam V15 H2O-R V16 FSL Rxtr 2 LI V8 V10 V6 V7 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 36 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 37 Roles of Equipment modules PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE 2 roles CONTROL MODULE Ø Breakdown of a Work unit § May be used to limit the scope of an EPE § Units building blocks Ø Shared equipment having autonomous process capabilities that can be used with several units § Non-exclusive: distribution of utilities (air, steam, N2, water) § Exclusive: Charging device, transfer lines Not a mandatory element 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 38 Equipment Modules PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE Definition CONTROL MODULE Ø A collection of equipment and/or control modules that can carry out a finite number of specific processing activities § Implements Equipment Procedural Elements by commanding control modules or lower level equipment modules An Equipment module without EPEs is a Control Module An equipment module is technically similar to a unit Properties Ø May contain other EMs Ø Dependent: May be part of a single Work Unit or another Equipment Module for its exclusive usage Ø Autonomous: May be part of a Work Center § can be temporarily "attached" to a Work Unit as a common resource § Can be used in conjunction with several Work Units or other Equipment 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset Modules, or even running independently 39 Equipment Modules PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE Rules CONTROL MODULE Ø Essentially dynamic structure, : identified at the engineering time, but physical scope depends on the context Ø Inherited from the Work Unit (part of it) Ø Usually centered around a piece of process equipment such as a process heater or weight tank Examples Ø Weight tank used by a single unit Ø A filter that is only used by a single unit Ø Weight tank shared by multiple units, but only usable by a single unit at a time (an exclusive use resource) Ø An ingredient supply system that shared by multiple units and can be used by many simultaneously (a shared-use resource) 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 40 Equipment Module Implementations PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE Option 1: No equipment modules CONTROL Ø Any EPE of a Unit can allocate (dynamically) any control moduleMODULE within the Work Center / Process Cell Ø A single EPE can execute a transfer between 2 units Option 2: Units without EPEs inheriting EPEs from EMs Ø Typically for embedded equipment modules Option 3: Units with EPEs commanding EPEs from EMs Ø Typically for shared equipment modules 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 41 Example of an EM in a Process Cell #1 #2 #3 #4 FQIC FQIC FQIC FQIC PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE V11 V3 PIC V11 Vent V5 V12 N2 Cond V13 C-H2O V14 TIC V1 PIC Vent V1 V12 N2 Premix1 Steam V15 H2O-R V16 Catalyst Rxtr 1 V8 WI FSL V10 V6 V11 Vent V7 V11 V1 PIC VENT V1 V5 Cond V13 C-H2O V14 V1 V2 V12 N2 V4 PIC V12 N2 Catalyst Premix2 LI TIC Steam V15 H2O-R V16 FSL Rxtr 2 LI V8 V10 V6 V7 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 42 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 43 Role of Control modules PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE The lowest, mandatory level in the Physical Hierarchy Ø The only actual equipment entity: all upper level are organizational views with larger or smaller focus Ø The only acting entity (move actuators, run motors) Mechanical engineering consistency Ø CM breakdown corresponds to generic equipment entities Simplification of control: Ø Execute elementary equipment services invoked by EPEs Functional leveling of technological variants Ø Same interface and capabilities, specific control Prevent conflicting equipment usage Ø EPEs can explicitly allocate control modules providing an inherent interlock between conflicting functionalities 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 44 Control Modules PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE Definition CONTROL Ø A piece of processing equipment with associated collection of sensors, MODULE actuators, and other control modules Properties Ø Every piece of equipment is controlled by one (and only one) control module Ø The lowest, mandatory physical level § Any part of the actual equipmeNT is part of one, and only one control module Ø Provides the only connection to the process Control modules can content instrumentation § But Control Modules ARE NOT instruments (see Device Modules) § Acts as a single entity from a control standpoint Ø Do not contain / cannot execute procedural elements Ø The only real physical entity Ø § All upper levels are more or less focused orgainsational views Ø Unknown by the Recipe 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 45 Control modules and flow analysis PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE Rules Ø None in ISA88 WBF Flow analysis concepts: Ø Physical flows get through tangible equipment entities (Control modules) Ø A proper breakdown allows to control flows regardless the functional intent. Control modules control ... flows Ø Breakdown rules for control modules § CMs are elementary flow sections § Extension of Delta Nodes / Astrid methodologies Ø The resulting breakdown highlights consistent generic equipment entities 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 46 Flow Analysis rules for breaking down a facility into CMs PROCESS CELL UNIT Identify all flow breaking devices Ø Shut-off valves Ø Doors Ø Traffic lights Ø Removable pipe / Blind flanges Ø ... Control modules are bounded by these devices Several flows may run through a given equipment Ø This equipment may be split into several control modules § Liquid and gaseous part of a tank EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 47 Control Module examples PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE Recirc XV Commands Circulate To Process Stop States Circulating Sending Stopped Pump Process XV Circulate Start Pompe Stop Pompe Open Recirc XV Close Recirc XV Open Process XV Close Process XV 1 0 1 0 0 1 ToProcess 1 0 0 1 1 0 Stop 0 1 1 0 0 1 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 48 Control Module examples CM4 PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE CM2 PID PID CM1 PID HIC HIC CM3 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 49 Control Module examples Raw_Matl_Req as enum: 0 None 1 Cream 2 Milk 3 Corn Syrup 4 Water PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE Material Selection Control Module Define Discharge_Flow_SP as 0 60 GPM Define Recirc_Flow_SP as 0 60 GPM Define CIP_Flow_SP as 0 140 GPM FT Pump Control Module 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 50 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 51 Device Module PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE DEVICE MODULE Sensors and actuators are not defined in the standard Sensors and actuators can be considered as: Ø First level control modules § Possible because of the recursive nature of the control module § Common practice Ø Device modules, an additional element § The standard allows extensions § Allows to preserve the true nature of the Control Module as an abstraction layer: a control module does not necessarily hold instruments... § Proposed in ISA88 part 5 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 52 Flow Analysis: Device modules attachment to CMs UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE PROCESS CELL DM are attached to the supporting CM CONTROL MODULE Flow breaking devices are between 2 or more CMs. They may be DEVICE considered as: MODULE Ø Independent CMs : More flexible, WBF current work proposed approach (Directing nodes) Ø Device modules attached to one of the adjacent CM (Current ASTRID or DELTA NODE methods) § Rule 1: A flow breaking device is attached to the upstream CM § Rule 2: A flow breaking device is attached to the user of a shared flow (utility for example) § Rule 3: The second rule prevails on the first one 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 53 Device safety and control PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE CONTROL MODULE DEVICE MODULE Operator (HMI) Owning CM (automatic control) Manual control Automatic control Adjacent CM (Flow control) Interlocking task Product and equipment protection Safety task Personnel and environment protection (external safety system) Flow interlocks Flow integrity Content compatibility Capacity constraints Acting device Commands Flow Information Interlock 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 54 A Motor Device Module PROCESS CELL UNIT EQUIPMENT MODULE Commands Status CONTROL MODULE DEVICE MODULE Start Stop Run Fail Starter Coil Single-Speed Motor Module Motor Rotation Sensor 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 55 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 56 Equipment Modules vs. Control Modules Equipment Module Can contain an EPE Must interface to the process via a control module Control Module Cannot contain an EPE Directly interfaces to the process via Device Modules Commonly used as stand alone and shared equipment by other Units or EMs Commonly used to deal with transfers Can contain other EMs and CMs May have a direct link to the recipe procedure via the EPE Can contain other CMS, not EMs Has no direct link to the recipe procedure 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 57 Control modules and Equipment modules : Unit ownership By design, CMs and EMs Ø can be attached permanently to a unit Ø Can be independent of any unit, part of the whole Process Cell / Work Center § CM et EM can be temporarily attached to any unit to provide the needed Equipment (CMs) or Process (Ems) services needed to achieve its processing function § CM and EM can also be commanded independently 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 58 Example of ISA88 physical hierarchy Process Cell Unit EM EM EM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM 59 Unit EM 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset Example of ISA88 physical hierarchy (Cont'd) Process Cell Unit1 EM3 Unit2 EM1 EM2 CM1 CM2 CM3 CM4 CM5 CM6 CM7 CM8 CM9 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset CM10 60 Example of ISA88 physical hierarchy (Cont'd) Process Cell Unit1 EM3 Unit2 CM1 CM2 CM3 CM4 CM5 CM6 CM7 CM8 CM9 CM10 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 61 Example of ISA88 physical hierarchy (Cont'd) Process Cell Unit1 EPE 1 (EM1) EPE 4 EPE 2 (EM2) EM3 Unit2 EM3' CM1 CM2 CM3 EPE 3 CM4 DM1 DM2 DM3 DM4 DM5 DM6 DM7 DM8 DM9 DM10 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 62 Example of ISA88 physical hierarchy (Cont'd) Process Cell Unit1 Phase X Phase Y EM3 Unit2 EM1 No EM: EPEs Dynamically allocates The needed CMs EM2 EM3' CM1 CM2 CM3 CM4 DM1 DM2 DM3 DM4 DM5 DM6 DM7 DM8 DM9 DM10 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 63 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 64 ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA-95 attaches "Hierarchy scope" to all information objects Ø Resources, process segment, product definition, Ø Previously named "Location" Ø "Hierarchy scope is an attribute used in many other objects. The hierarchy scope attribute identifies where the exchanged information fits within the role based equipment hierarchy. It defines the scope of the exchanged information, such as which site or which area the information is relevant for. The hierarchy scope identifies the associated instance in the role based While ISA-88 attaches "control" to the physical hierarchy, ISA-95 takes the other way around: it attaches a physical hierarchy information to information objects 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 65 Example ISA-88 ISA-95 Unit (Equipment Entity) Process Segment (Information object) Work Center (Hierarchy scope) Procedural Element (Control) 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 66 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 67 ISA95 equipment models These models identify the physical assets Ø by their role in the facility § The function performed by a machine at the explicit location § Not necessarily always the same, can be replaced without affecting the role Ø By their asset / inventory aspect § The unique machine identifiable by its serial number § Only for "maintainable" equipments, not all physical ­ organisational ­ entities § Similar to Inventory asset Features Ø Implements the physical hierarchy model Ø Defines properties of physical elements Ø Allows Class based definition 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 68 ISA95 Equipment Resource Model: Role based < May be made up of Equipment 0..n Equipment Class Has properties of > 0..n 0..n 0..n Is tested by an > 0..n < Defined by 0..n Is tested by an > 0..n Equipment Has values for > Equipment Capability Test Specification 0..n Is tested by an > Defines a procedure for obtaining an > 0..n Maps to 0..n 0..n < Records the execution of Equipment Capability Test Result Equipment Class Property 0..n 0..n Equipment Property 0..n < may contain nested 0..n < may contain nested 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 69 ISA95 Equipment Resource Model: Physical Asset > May be made up of 0..n > is an instance of Physical Asset Has values for > 1..1 0..n Is tested by an > 0..n 0..n 0..n Is tested by an > 0..n Physical Asset Class Has properties of > Physical Asset Capability Test Result < records the testing of Defines a procedure for obtaining an < 0..n Physical Asset Capability Test Specification 0..n 0..n Is tested by an < Maps to 0..n 0..n 0..n Physical Asset Property 0..n < may contain nested Physical Asset Class Property 0..n < may contain nested 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 70 ISA95 global Equipment Resource Model < May be made up of 0..n > May be made up of 0..n > Implemented by Equipment Class Has properties of > 0..n 0..n < Defined by Equipment 0..1 0..1 < records use and removal of asset to implement equipment Physical Asset > is an instance of 0..n 1..1 Physical Asset Class Has properties of > Equipment Asset Mapping 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Maps to Equipment Class Property Maps to Equipment Property Physical Asset Property 0..n < may contain nested Physical Asset Class Property 0..n < may contain nested 0..n < may contain nested 0..n < may contain nested 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 71 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 72 Physical Asset Models elements (common RBE/PhA) Properties (Definition) Ø "object denoting an implementation specific characteristic of an entity" Ø Characterization entities for Equipment Classes/Equipment § Ex: Capacity, Max Pressure, NominalSpeed, NbOfBagsPerMintute ... Some properties can match the Equipment constraints defined in Process Element (Product Asset, Process Definition) Property (Value) Ø Valuation of the property as a requirement (for Equipment Class/Equipment) Ø Valuation of a property from actual assessment (For Physical Asset) Ø § Ex: NbOfBagsPerMintute = 1643 Test specification Ø "identify a test for one or more equipment properties" Test Result Ø "Results from a equipment capability test for a specific piece of equipment / physical asset" 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 73 Physical Asset Models elements (specific RBE/PhA) Role based Equipment Ø Equipment § "A representation of the elements of the equipment hierarchy model" Ø Equipment Class § "a grouping of role based equipment with similar characteristics for purposes of scheduling and planning" Physical Asset Ø Physical Asset § represents information about a physical piece of equipment Ø Physical Asset Class § "grouping of physical assets with similar characteristics for purposes of repair and replacement" 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 74 Agenda Introduction ISA88/95 Physical hierarchy model ISA88 Equipment entity model Ø Process Cell / Work Center Ø Unit / Work Unit Ø Equipment Module Ø Control Module Ø Device Module Ø Exploit the model ISA95 Hierarchy scope ISA95 Equipment Model Practice 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 75 Exercise (1) : Unit, Equipment module or Control module? Is a Unit Reactor Fluid Bed Dryer Pasteurizer Pump Multi pump set Ingredient storage tank Washing machine Kitchen blender (& cook) Refrigerator Dishwasher Iron Bred cooker Isn't a Unit (EM or CM) 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 76 Exercise (2) Excel spreadsheet (2.1) Physical Hierarchy Ø Give possible names and examples for the physical hierarchy level 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 77 #1 #2 FQIC FQIC #3 #4 FQIC FQIC V11 Vent V11 V1 V5 N2 PIC Vent V3 PIC V12 N2 V1 V12 Cond V13 C-H2O V14 Premix1 TIC Rxtr 1 Steam V15 H2O-R V16 Catalyst V8 WI FSL V10 V6 V11 V7 V11 V1 PIC VENT V1 V1 V2 V4 V5 Cond V13 C-H2O V14 PIC Vent V12 N2 V12 N2 Catalyst TIC Premix2 LI Rxtr 2 LI V10 V8 Steam V15 H2O-R V16 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset FSL V6 V7 78 Exercise (3) : Excel spreadsheet Physical modeling (1.1) Properties Ø Identify some typical equipment properties: name, range, (1.2) Equipment Test Specification Ø Identify typical Test Specifications (2.2) Equipment classes Ø Identify certain Equipment roles, For different level: WU, EM, CM, DM (2.3) Equipment Ø identify § § § Enterprise, Site, Area, Work Centers/Process Cells Work Units / Units, Device Modules, Flow breaking devices Control modules: Within the process cell, Peripheral facilities: storage, utilities (3.1) Physical Asset Hierarchy Ø Identify a possible maintenance oriented physical hierarchy (3.2) Physical Asset Class Ø Identify certain machines types (3.3) Physical Asset Ø Identify certain machines 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 79 Thank You ! 2_10_ISA8895_Structure_PhysicalAsset 80